The Story Behind TP4T

The Rose Project has finally started running with our petition, TP4T on If you would like to check it out, click our link below to support our goal of raising $1,000 for Thorn which is an organization fighting against human trafficking.

I hope you feel compelled to help us in our goal to donate to Thorn and help protect children from exploitation and trafficking.

The story behind picking Thorn was that I was a subscriber of the youtube channel, Kendall Rae, which started to sell merchandise and donate the profits to Thorn. Inspired by this generous act, I decided to create a petition to raise $1,000 for Thorn. TP4T stands for The People for Thorn, the reasoning behind this name choice is how short yet impactful it is. In all honesty, this blog only has one follower, the money we want to raise is not much. However, every step, every inch towards change is valid and important. Even a dollar donated makes us a dollar closer to reaching our goal to hopefully make Thorn $1,000 closer towards developing software to protect children from human trafficking.



Books for Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month

I feel it is extremely important to become informed about a regarding you feel passionate about. I think it is amazing this blog was able to recommend a great selection of books in order to understand the topic to a greater extent. How could someone be supportive of a movement whilst knowing nothing about it? Through also providing a list of organizations that fight against human trafficking, I am more aware of how to help. I felt the need to share this so that my readers are more understanding in regards to this significant topic.

My only critiques would be the small selection of books that are offered regarding human trafficking, and that, as the writer mentioned themselves, the books pertain to mainly one form of human trafficking. I would have liked to see books about the other form of human trafficking, labor, in order to better understand it and become more informed. However, the writer did a stellar job at presenting the issue and recommending ways to gain knowledge in regards to it!

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Stolen People with Stolen Dreams

This blog discusses how numerous amounts of woman and children across the world are sold everyday. These are lives being destroyed right in front of our eyes and I truly believe there can be more done to prevent it. If these lives were saved they would contribute to the development of our world. These people could become scientist, doctors, nurses, teachers, etc. This would allow them to live out their life the way others have the chance to.

Virtual Siyahi

People were created to be loved. Things were created to be used. The reason why the world is in chaos is that, things are being loved and people are being used.”

Recently I had written a blog India of my Dreams, in which I had mentioned a few problem areas prevailing in our country and how I wish for a better India. It was a very basic write up from my side as a citizen of this country, there are few things which pinch me, out of which Education facility, employment opportunities, and Human trafficking are the issue which we discuss a lot. Today I am going to elaborate about Human Trafficking and how it is killing dreams of thousands of people being a victim of this heinous crime. Human trafficking is the third largest organized crime after drugs and the arms trade across the globe.

Some facts and…

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Human Trafficking: An Inconvenient Truth – Really?

This article raises awareness of human trafficking throughout the world. It presents many statistics which are very eye opening to everyone as we come to realize how big of an issue we are in when it comes to human trafficking. Hopefully, after realizing the severity of the situation more people are willing to help out each other.

Will Marler

The front window of the Orchids of Asia Day Spa is shown in Jupiter, Florida, on Feb. 22, 2019. ~ NBC News

There is a lot in the news these days about the crises we face in America. Two which stand out are the southern border and climate change. Both are polarizing, and each has a political component. 

One crisis which is real but doesn’t get the attention is human trafficking. But a recent incident getting a ton of coverage from news outlets and sports media is shedding some light on this issue. It’s apparent this is a problem of the greatest of consequences whether we pay attention to it or not. Its greatest tragedy is it brutalizes vulnerable children the most.

Child Trafficking in the U.S.
When we think of child trafficking and the sex industry, we believe it’s more of a European or Asian dilemma. Yet we as…

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How Immigration Policy Hurts Anti–Human Trafficking Efforts

This article represents other ways of how the country is trying to stop human trafficking in the united states. With multiple ways of prevention, we can come to a state of having minimal children taken away.

Blind Injustice

“We need to be tough on crime. We need to crack down on illegal immigration.”

Such is the rallying cry of President Donald Trump and many Republicans in particular. That rallying cry is part of why the government is shut down over the issue of a wall, as of the time of my writing this.

But it’s not just a Trump, Republican, or conservative thing to be tough on immigration. I say that because Trump’s predecessor, President Barack Obama, saw more people deported in his eight years than every 20th century President of the United States combined. And through it all, many Democrats seemed not to care, pay attention, and/or say anything. This tough approach to illegal immigration includes people who like to view themselves as “bleeding-heart liberals.”

The consequences of this tough approach are disastrous for efforts to combat human trafficking.

One example of tough immigration policy hurting anti–human…

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Human Trafficking Or Slavery?

The writer behind this blog makes the significant point that human trafficking doesn’t come in only one form. In the first video, it is shown how initially innocent-seeming situations turn for the worst. Many people tend to think of kidnapping when human trafficking is discussed. However, many people are trapped upon arriving at a certain area such as a job. In the example of a job, someone is transported to the workplace and is then kept there. Many times they are promised a higher compensation than the one they receive and, as a result, aren’t able to leave their job as they don’t have the sufficient means to do so. People may also be trafficked, not only for labor but also for involuntary sex work.

People have been ripped apart from their families each day, and it is time for a change. It is a deeply saddening issue, people lose the lives they once lived and are trafficked for the means of others. It is a painful subject for many as it has become normalized in certain countries since it occurs so frequently. For example, certain Asian and African countries have high amounts of human trafficking. It is no wonder that even in the United States, what is considered a country in which there are low amounts of human trafficking in comparison to others, people are still wary of themselves and alert when walking alone. People deserve to live freely, to make conscious decisions for themselves. Just imagine all of the things we take for granted that would be gone if we were in such a dire situation.

Human trafficking follows a certain pattern:

It is this simple looking formula that has the power to ruin lives, and we have the power to fight against it.

In Saner Thought

Today is Anti-Slavery Day!  18Oct18!

A few years back I went to a seminar on human trafficking as part of a certificate that I wanted….the subject is fascinating and a topic that needs more attention in the news.

But first we need to understand just what is human trafficking…..

Slavery is a product of human trafficking…..and there has been a study made on Modern Slavery…..

Slavery, long banned and universally condemned, persists in many corners of the world, victimizing tens of millions of people.

Then there are the countries where slavery is a part of life….a sad indictment of the world today…..after all it is the 21st century and we should be better than this…..

As you can see that slavery is not some aspect of life from the past…it is real and people are suffering from its practices today.

I hope the shirt vids that are provided…

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Beneath the Thorns

Legal Frameworks:

The legal framework surrounding the issue of human trafficking in the United States is the Trafficking Victims Violence Prevention Act of 2000 (TVPA). This act divides human trafficking up into two categories: labor trafficking and sex trafficking. Sex trafficking consists of the recruitment, harbor, or transportation of a person with the intention of a commercial activity that is done by force, fraud or coercion. It is trafficking if the person engaging is under eighteen. Labor trafficking is recruitment, harbor, or transportation of a person with the intention of subjecting them to toil by force, fraud, or coercion.

“Modern day human trafficking takes many forms. Individuals may be held against their will as domestic workers, working for little or no pay, and with no way to find other employment. Others may be forced into prostitution and isolated from people who could provide a means of escape. Victims of human trafficking have few resources and most often go unrecognized by law enforcement, social services representatives and other service providers. Their hidden victimization allows perpetrators to offend under the radar of law enforcement, making the significance of this crime more important to understand.”

Groups that are fighting for this or similar issues:

Groups that fight for similar issues to those of Thorn are  Polaris Project,  Girls Educational and Mentoring Services and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC). Notable figures backing this cause includes but is not limited to Simon Baker, Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper, Drake, Jamie Foxx, Kaká, Stacy Keibler, John Legend, Eva Longoria, Ludacris, Jason Mraz, Sean Penn, Adrian Peterson, Zachary Quinto, David Spade, Ben Stiller, Justin Timberlake, Kendall Rae, and Sofia Vergara.

The Root

Welcome to The Rose Project, my name is Hanna Cardona and I am one of the administrators of this blog. I found out about the organization, Thorn, through the youtube creator, Kendall Rae. She started a series called “Where Is?” in which she covered missing persons cases and discussed different theories regarding their disappearance. She donated and continues to donate the profit from her merchandise to Thorn, thus prompting me to start this blog in support of Thorn as well. Thorn works towards protecting children from sexual exploitation and trafficking. When I was asked to raise awareness about an issue that was significant for me, Thorn was an immediate choice. The Rose Project just bloomed, and with its thorns, it is both beautiful and impactful.

The Rose Project aims to raise money and awareness for the organization, Thorn. Thorn was founded by Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore in 2009. Its goal is to defend children from human trafficking.

We stand with Thorn.

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Thorn’s History

Human trafficking has been around in history for thousands and thousands of years. It became popular around 1400 when Europe started to sell and buy humans from Africa. Slowly, Spain, North America, Holland, France, Sweden, Britain, and Denmark had become involved in the European slave trade from Africa. Sooner or later, “white slavery” had come into play which was the new form of slavery but now for sexual purposes. They would obtain woman or girls by the use of “force, drugs, or by dishonesty- for sex which is unwanted by the woman or girl”. As society became modern, many countries had started to pass bills and laws in order to punish human trafficking whenever it was caught. In 1904, there was a worldwide agreement against “white slavery” and around 1910, 13 countries had come together to claim this type of slavery illegal. Even though many countries have made the effort to banish human trafficking, it still very much exists today, especially internationally.


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